One of the great things about PowerShell is its ability to easily export objects to HTML, which - with a little CSS - makes it straightforward to create great-looking reports. But static lists of data aren’t enough any more, the people demand interactivity.

DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery JavaScript library which is great for displaying interactive HTML tables, with options for sorting and filtering. You can have a look at some of the examples on their page to see how powerful it is.

Unfortunately for us, DataTables requires that HTML tables be formatted in a particular way, with the THEAD and TBODY sections declared, and this formatting is not the same as the tables output from the ConvertTo-HTML CMDlet.

For example, say we want to get a list of VMware services running on the current machine. We’re going to output the HTML table to a text file, and then use a server-side-include to integrate it into a larger page (with headings, a style sheet, navigation etc.). We can generate the HTML easily with the following command.

Get-Service -Name VMware* | Select-Object Name,Status | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment

By looking at the output generated, we can see that, although valid HTML, it doesn’t have the THEAD and TBODY sections required by DataTables.


The following jScript, added to the HEAD section of the document dynamically changes all the incorrectly formatted tables on the page, and allows them to be displayed as DataTables.

<script type="text/javascript">
            // Grab the contents of the first TR element and save them to a variable
            var tHead = $(this).find('tr:first').html();
            // Remove the first COLGROUP element
            // Remove the first TR element
            // Add a new THEAD element before the TBODY element, with the contents of the first TR element which we saved earlier.
            $(this).find('tbody').before('<thead>' + tHead + '</thead>');
        // Apply the DataTables jScript to all tables on the page
        $('table').dataTable( {
            // Put your datatable options here

It may not be the most elegant use of jScript, as I was learning as I went along, but hopefully it might save someone else some time.