This is based on Carter Shanklin’s PowerShell snippets to query VC and ESX build version numbers.

This script loops through the list of vCenter servers, and gets their version and build info, as well as the version and build info for it’s connected hosts.

# Script to connect to a list of vCenter Servers, and get their version numbers, as well as the version numbers of their hosts
# Ben Neise
# 02/10/09

# Array of vCenter Servers
$arrVCenterServers = @("server1","server2","server3")

# Create empty arrays for the results
$arrTableVCs = @()
$arrTableHosts = @()

# Loop through the array of vCenter servers specified above
foreach ($strVCenterServer in $arrVCenterServers){

	# Connect to the VC
	$objVCenterServer = Connect-VIServer $strVCenterServer

	# Version info about the VC you are connected to
	$viewVCenterServer = Get-View "serviceinstance"

	# Add custom attributes to each VC objects for version and build
	$objVCenterServer | Add-Member -Name Version -type "noteproperty" -value ($viewVCenterServer.content.about.Version) -Force
	$objVCenterServer | Add-Member -Name Build -type "noteproperty" -value ($viewVCenterServer.content.about.Build) -Force

	# Add the VC object to the results array
	$arrTableVCs += $objVCenterServer

	# When connected to loop through the hosts managed by the VC
	foreach ($objHost in (Get-VMhost | Sort-Object)){

		# Get the view for the current host
		$viewHost = $objHost | Get-View

		# Add custom attributes to the host object for VC server, Host and Version
		$objHost | Add-Member -Name "VCServer" -type "noteproperty" -value $objVCenterServer.Name -Force
		$objHost | Add-Member -Name "Host" -type "noteproperty" -value $viewHost.Name -Force
		$objHost | Add-Member -Name "Version" -type "noteproperty" -value $viewHost.Config.Product.Version -Force

		# Add the host object to the results array
		$arrTableHosts += $objHost
	# Disconnect from the VC server
	Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False

# Output the VC results (can be modified to output to a CSV with Export-CSV)
$arrTableVCs | Select-Object Name, Version, Build | Sort-Object Name

# Output the Host results (can be modified to output to a CSV with Export-CSV)
$arrTableHosts | Select-Object VCServer, Host, Version, Build | Format-Table

# End of script