Cleaning up VM template names
I wrote this today to remove occurrences of the string “Tmpl” anywhere in the name of the template, and then to re-name the template with “Tmpl” as a prefix. It had a higher purpose than keeping everything nice and neat, but it’s rather specific to our environment so I won’t bother going into the details.
# Get all templates
$objTemplates = Get-Template
# Loop through the templates
foreach ($objTemplate in $objTemplates){
# Set the $StrInterimTemplateName variable to the template name, replacing the string "Tmpl" with an empty string
$StrInterimTemplateName = ($objTemplate.Name -replace("Tmpl",""))
# As the string we've just removed might be anywhere in the name, we need to replace double spaces with single
$StrInterimTemplateName = ($StrInterimTemplateName -replace(" "," "))
# And also remove trailing spaces from the start, or the end of the string
$StrInterimTemplateName = $StrInterimTemplateName.Trim()
# Display on screen what we're doing (as the "Set-Template" with -WhatIf isn't very clear
Write-Output -InputObject Changing `[($objTemplate.Name)`] to `[ Tmpl $StrInterimTemplateName `]
# Change the Template Name to the $StrInterimTemplateName variable preceeded by "Tmpl", uncomment the #-WhatIf if testing
Set-Template -Template $objTemplate -Name "Tmpl $StrInterimTemplateName" #-WhatIf
Despite being quite specific in it’s current form, this could easily be modified to rename virtual machines (or indeed any other PowerShell object).
While I suspect there’s a more elegant way to do this in fewer steps, it’s not particularly hacky.