This is based on Hugo Peeters’ script to add snapshot information to the VI client using PowerShell.

Our users occasionally need larger machines created for packaging big applications. After increasing the size, we used to append the VM Object name (e.g, “PACKVM01 - 10GB”), but this caused a mismatch between the virtual machine object name in VIC and the DNS host name. Also, it looked untidy!

We needed a new way for VIC users to easily see which were the larger machines, so I modified Hugo’s script to add disk size as a custom attribute.

$VCServerName = "MYVCSERVER"

$VC = Connect-VIServer -Server $VCServerName
$SI = Get-View ServiceInstance
$CFM = Get-View $SI.Content.CustomFieldsManager
# Variables
$CustomFieldName = "HD Size (GB)"
$ManagedObjectType = "VirtualMachine"

# Check if the custom field already exists
$myCustomField = $CFM.Field | Where {$_.Name -eq $CustomFieldName}
if (!$myCustomField){
	# Create Custom Field
	$FieldCopy = $CFM.Field[0]
	$CFM.AddCustomFieldDef($CustomFieldName, $ManagedObjectType, $FieldCopy.FieldDefPrivileges, $FieldCopy.FieldInstancePrivileges)
$objVMs = Get-VM
foreach ($objVM in $objVMs){
	$objTotalDiskSize = 0
	# Sum the total size of all disks attached to the VM
	foreach	($objHardDisk in ($objVM | Get-HardDisk)){
			$objTotalDiskSize += ($objHardDisk.CapacityKB/1024/1024)
	if ($objTotalDiskSize){
		# Round the size to one decimal place
		$objHDSize = "{0:N1}" -f $objTotalDiskSize
		$VMView = $objVM | Get-View