Getting started with VMware PowerCLI
- Introduction
- PowerCLI pre-requisites
- Security considerations
- PowerShell fundamentals
- Some simple CMDlets
- Example scripts
- What else can you do?
Way back in 2007, I moved from working as an application packager - responsible for a handful of (VMware Workstation) virtual machines, to a new role supporting a consolidated infrastructure for over 200 packagers who required over 1,000 virtual machines on VMware vSphere (at that point still called Virtual Infrastructure 👴🏻).
While I was (and I still am) impressed by VMware’s hypervisor-based virtualisation, there were a few things that started to grate with such an otherwise excellent product:-
- Performing repetitive tasks - for example setting a group of virtual hard-drives to non-persistent - using the vSphere Client GUI was time-consuming (and RSI inducing!).
- There was also no real way of extracting information from vCenter in any structured way. For example, if I wanted to know how many of our Microsoft Windows XP guests had over 512MB RAM allocated to them, they had to be counted manually.
I had a look into running scripts on the host, and toyed with the Remote CLI Appliance, but it was the VMware PowerCLI that unlocked the functionality I’d been looking for.
VMware PowerCLI utilises Windows PowerShell to provide a command-line driven interface for your virtual infrastructure. This can dramatically reduce the amount of time taken to perform almost all batch-style tasks, facilitates event driven actions, and enables some pretty advanced reporting functionality.
This is nowhere near a proper introduction in how to use PowerShell or PowerCLI, but should give enough information to get you started, and hopefully make you want to find out more.
PowerCLI pre-requisites
PowerShell is included in recent versions of Windows; but if you don’t have it, you’ll need to download and install the appropriate version of Windows PowerShell for your operating system. PowerCLI works with both PowerShell and PowerShell Core.
Then you need to install the latest version of PowerCLI. This is best done using the module available on the PSGallery.
Security considerations
In vSphere, users running PowerCLI scripts have the same permissions as they would get if they logged into vSphere Client. However, as with all scripting languages, when modifications can be made easier and faster, the potential impact of mistakes is made greater. PowerShell includes specific measures to alleviate risk, and it’s worth being familiar with this functionality before trying anything more complex.
PowerShell fundamentals
PowerShell works using CMDlets. These are typically fairly descriptive, and great care has been taken to make them work in a consistent and logical way. Most CMDlets follow the format verb-noun, with modifiers for the target of the action, and any CMDlet specific options. They are not case sensitive.
The downside of the commands being so descriptive is that they are sometimes quite long. In order to alleviate this PowerShell allows Aliases to be created. Most common Windows Shell commands already exist in PowerShell as aliases. For example CD, DIR, CLS & REN all work as expected. I find these quite useful when working interactively (entering commands at the prompt for immediate execution), but I tend to avoid them in scripts for the sake of readability.
When launching scripts, you need to use absolute paths. For example, if you want to launch the script C:\Scripts\ExampleScript.ps1
, when you’re in C:\Scripts
you would either need to enter the whole path, or use ./ExampleScript.ps1
In order to use PowerShell, you need to import the PowerCLI commands using
Import-Module -Name "VMware.VimAutomation.Common"
Running the VMware vSphere PowerCLI shortcut created when you install the application does this on launch.
Running the standard PowerShell shortcut does not.
You can however add it to your PowerShell profile, which will enable it in all PowerShell sessions, no matter which shortcut you use to launch them.
PowerShell is object-oriented, meaning that the information returned from commands can be easily used as the input for another command.
If you want to put comments into your scripts, PowerShell ignores anything after the octothorpe #
Some simple CMDlets
Here are a couple of commands to get you started. Open up the PowerCLI command line using the VMware vSphere PowerCLI shortcut, then enter them as shown.
This is a native PowerShell CMDLet which can display help on the various cmdlets. Running this as above shows the syntax for getting help.
Another useful native PowerShell CMDLet which you can use to find out all the commands containing certain keywords. For example…
Get-Command *VM
…uses the wildcard character (*) to show all commands that end with VM, this shows all the CMDlets that can be used to operate on virtual machines. Let’s try a simple one…
You should now get an error message saying You are not currently connected to any servers. Please connect first using Connect-VIServer or one of its aliases.
. Let’s do that…
Connect-VIServer -Server "Name_of_your_vCenter_Server"
This uses your current windows credentials to connects to the specified server (if you do not have permission, you will be prompted for alternate credentials). You need to connect before you run any VMware specific PowerShell commands. Now try this again…
You should now be looking at a list of virtual machines managed by your vCenter server. You can reduce the scope by adding switches, for example…
Get-VM -Name "A*"
…gets all machines with names starting “A”. For more information, try
Get-Help Get-VM -Detailed
Variables in PowerShell are always preceded by a $ symbol. You can set a variable to the result of any kind of PowerShell command, for example, you can store the results of a Get-VM in a variable…
$allYourVirtualMachines = Get-VM
then use that variable any time you need it, typing
Will display the virtual machine objects stored in the variable. This variable is a collection of objects, each object representing a virtual machine, so we can run more commands against this variable:
Get-VMGuest -VM $allYourVirtualMachines
This lists the State, IP Address and guest OS of all your machine objects.
Instead of using variables for commands like this, you can also pipe the result of one command, straight into another. The equivalent of the above command, using pipes rather than variables is
Get-VM | Get-VMGuest
The objects output byt he first command are piped straight into the second command. Pipes are used extensively in PowerShell, and many cmdlets can be linked together using pipes. This means you can run some complex commands in PowerShell at the command prompt in one line, rather than resorting to writing a script.
Have a play around with these commands in your test environment before moving onto the next section. As long as you’re using Get-
based commands, (rather than Set-
or Remove-
) you shouldn’t make any changes, but append -WhatIf
and/or -Confirm
to the end of your Cmdlets if you’re feeling extra-cautious.
Example scripts
Like batch files or bash scripts, PowerShell scripts are simply collections of commands linked together into a text file.
Here are a couple of example scripts, showing what can be done. Copy into a text editor, and save with a PS1 extension. You will need to run Connect-VIServer -Server "YourVSphereServer"
interactively before running any of the scripts (or add it as the first line to the script file).
Get information about a specific machine
# Get the name of the machine from the user
$virtualMachineName = Read-Host "Please enter the VM name"
# Attempt to get a machine-object with that name, continue silently if no machine found
$virtualMachineObject = Get-VM -Name $virtualMachineName -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"
# If there is a machine found
if ($virtualMachineObject) {
# Display the machine object name on screen
Write-Output -InputObject "Machine object name: $($virtualMachineObject.Name)"
# Display the power state on screen
Write-Output -InputObject "Power State: $($virtualMachineObject.PowerState)"
# Attempt to get the object representing the virtual machine's guest
$virtualMachineGuest = Get-VMGuest -VM $virtualMachineObject -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"
# If that object is retreived (i.e., if VMWare tools has been running)
if ($virtualMachineGuest){
# Display the guest hostname on screen
Write-Output -InputObject "Hostname: $($virtualMachineGuest.Hostname)"
# Get the IP address(es), and write them to screen
$virtualMachineGuest.IPAddress | foreach-Object {
# If more than one IP address is found, this will write each one to screen on a seperate line
Write-Output -InputObject "IP Address: $($_)"
# If there is no machine found with the name
else {
# Display an error message
Write-Warning -Message "ERROR No machine found with the name: $($virtualMachineName)"
This script asks the user for a machine name (using Read-Host), then gets the object representing the machine of that name. It then displays the machine object name (the name vSphere uses, the one you used to search) and the machine’s power state. It then tries to get the object representing the VM guest, and from that object, it displays the hostname and IP address
Get all Windows XP machines with more than 2 GB of RAM
# Loop through each VM
foreach ($objVM in (
Get-VM | Where-Object {
# Where the configured memory is greater than 2000
$_.MemoryMB -gt "2000"
# Get the VM guest object
Get-VMGuest -VM $objVM | Where-Object {
# Where the operating system is Windows XP
$_.OSFullName -like "Microsoft Windows XP Professional*"
# And display the VM object name, the guest hostname, and the memory in MB
} | Select-Object VMName,Hostname,MemoryMB
This script could easily be modified and used as a component to make modifications on machines fulfilling certain criteria.
What else can you do?
Almost anything that can be done in the GUI can be done in PowerShell. Machines can be deployed, customized, switched on, migrated between hosts and resource pools etc. Or you could get the last time a machine was switched on, and by whom.
You can also use PowerCLI to report on the status of guests and hosts. Check out Alan Renouf’s excellent PowerCLI Daily Report, or Hugo Peeter’s script to track free space in your datastores.
Further resources
There are many tools, example scripts and on-line resources available. Your first stop for help should be the VMware vSphere PowerCLI Community. I also recommend you keep Alan Renouf’s PowerCLI reference card close-to-hand when you’re just starting out.